According to Dominion Energy, cold weather will increase your energy bill in Spotsylvania, VA, by as much as 33%. You can reduce winter utility bill increases by taking these five simple steps without sacrificing your comfort.

1. Change the Air Filter

Clogged furnace filters decrease the air moving through your system, making it run longer to properly heat your home. Plan to change your filter every 30 days for the simple fiberglass filters. If you use an extended life filter, plan to check them every 30 days with a change every 60 to 90 days.

2. Clean Your System

Like clogged filters, a dirty furnace prevents the right amount of air from circulating. Plan to have regular furnace maintenance performed on your system to clean the affected areas so air can flow freely. Maintenance will also reduce your repair bills by catching worn components early.

3. Improve the Air Quality this Winter

Low air quality means you have a lot of pollutants floating around in your air, which will clog the system. It may also mean your humidity level is too high or too low. Work to ensure you have good filtration and the optimal humidity of 30% to 50%.

4. Clear Your Vents

Your vents need at least six inches of clearance around and above them to ensure air can flow properly around your home. Obstructed vents prevent the warm air from circulating and you waste all the energy you have expended in heating.

5. Ensure Your Furnace Size Matches Your Home

You want to be sure your furnace output matches the size of the home you have. If your furnace is too big, it will cost more to run than the benefit you receive. Likewise, you will notice it running all the time without properly heating your home if it is too small.

Our heating professionals receive training to help you find the optimal furnace output for your home. Call us at Ultimate Air, Inc for your new furnace installation consultation today and ensure you have the right size to efficiently heat your home.

Image provided by iStock

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